Making Aliyah

Your contributions help fulfill biblical prophecy by bringing the Jewish people home “from the four quarters of the earth” (Isaiah 11:12) through aliyah (immigration to Israel) and by providing klitah (resettlement assistance), including the tools needed to become full, productive citizens in their new home.

Aliyah International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada logo

Someone to Help

IFCJ Canada  |  May 7, 2024
Luiza was born in Russia in 1927. She was one of five siblings. And she remembers World War II: “The war broke out when I was 13 years old, we all took part in the evacuation; somehow we survived.
Aliyah Woman and little girl sit next to a suit case with a sign that reads Keren Leyedidut

A New Home in Israel

IFCJ Canada  |  June 3, 2021
“I’m really waiting to make aliyah,” said six-year-old Laura, before she boarded a Fellowship Freedom Flight from Brazil to Israel this past month. It was a big move for the little Jewish girl, but Laura had worked hard to get ready.
Aliyah International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada logo

The Blessing of Aliyah!

IFCJ Canada  |  August 31, 2020
Your compassionate support helps Jews from around the world make aliyah (immigration to Israel) and start new lives in the Holy Land.
Aliyah International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada logo

The Blessing of Aliyah and Fellowship Freedom Flights

IFCJ Canada  |  August 31, 2020
February marked one year since the passing of our founder, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, one of Israel’s greatest advocates. He began an incredible ministry of rescuing and supporting Jews in desperate need and brought thousands of Jews back home to Israel.
Aliyah International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada logo

Thank You for Making Their Aliyah Possible!

IFCJ Canada  |  August 31, 2020
Your compassionate support helps Jews from around the world make aliyah (immigration to Israel) and start new lives in the Holy Land.

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