Our Impact
The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada’s (IFCJ Canada) strategic programming focus in Israel and the former Soviet Union (FSU) is dedicated to alleviating poverty among needy elderly individuals, families, and children, while also supporting aliyah (immigration to Israel) and klitah (resettlement assistance).
Fund Allocation
We work hard to ensure we are stewarding donors’ funds efficiently and honestly. You can see how your gifts were allocated to provide care for children and elderly in Israel and around the world by viewing our Audited Financial Statements.
In 2023 we raised $3.82 with every dollar we spent on fundraising.
PROGRAMS: $9,390,707
FUNDRAISING: $4,005,755
Program Breakdown
Our ministry pillars, Poverty and Aliyah, provide transformative help through partnerships with local agencies in Israel and the FSU. Together, we establish supportive, life-changing assistance for Israelis and Jews in need around the world.
Our programming falls under four main categories:
- Poverty – Israel (formerly Guardians of Israel)
- Poverty – FSU (formerly Isaiah 58)
- Aliyah (formerly Wings of Eagles)
- Fellowship
Learn more about how each of these pillars contribute to our mission in our 2023 Strategic Plan.
Guardians of Israel: $5,021,003
Isaiah 58: $2,650,000
On Wings of Eagles: $2,645,729
Fellowship: $73,975
Impact Milestones
Thanks to the incredible generosity and compassion of our donors, we have been able to reach more individuals in need, providing lifesaving aid, and life-changing opportunities. We continue to work towards meeting challenges such as increasing air transportation costs so we can bring even more Jews home.

Hot Meals Served
710,640 In 2022 | 709,380 In 2021

Clothing Cards for School Children
8,077 In 2022 | 8,200 In 2021

Families Received Food Cards to Observe Jewish Holidays
12,000 In 2022 | 5,410 In 2021

Fellowship Freedom Flights
1,529 In 2022 | 1,781 In 2021

Backpacks for Children
600 In 2022 | 728 In 2021

Children Given Access to After-School Programs and Summer Camps
1,125 In 2022
Program Results
Poverty – Israel
(formerly Guardians of Israel)
Thank you for answering God’s call to feed the hungry and bless Israel and her people. Together, we provided lifesaving food, care, and support for Jewish people in need in Israel. In total, IFCJ Canada provided basic needs and support to more than 66,000 people.
- 6,400 Elderly and Holocaust Survivors received basic needs
- 755,244 Hot Meals were served to needy people through 24 soup kitchens across Israel
- 12,000 Families Received Food Cards to observe the Jewish holidays
- 2,335 Elderly Received Vouchers for the purchase of basic necessities
- 8,800 Children Were Provided With Clothing and Backpacks containing essential school supplies
- 2,400 At-Risk Children Given Access to After-School Programs and Summer Camps
“With delight and joy in my heart, I thank IFCJ Canada donors. Thanks to your monthly help, I can afford to buy those products that I could not afford before. Now there are fruits, dairy, and fish in my refrigerator. I feel calmer in my soul, from the fact that I am being protected by you.” Hana, an 89-year-old beneficiary receiving a Shavuot holiday gift kit

Poverty – FSU
(formerly Isaiah 58)
As impoverished Jews in Ukraine struggle with the harsh reality of an ongoing war, your support gives life and hope to this vulnerable community – including Holocaust survivors – that has suffered so much. IFCJ Canada provided basic needs and support to more than 12,400 people.

- 243,027 Hours of Home Care to assist frail elderly with basic activities of daily living, such as bathing, laundry, and cleaning
- 6,000 Elderly and Holocaust Survivors received basic needs including food and essential winter warmth
- 1,800 Families Received Food Cards to observe the Jewish holidays
- • 460 Children in Ukraine Provided with therapy, support groups, and emergency assistance
“I cannot even express how much I appreciate the help and attention I get from IFCJ Canada. It really touches my heart. People who are total strangers come and assist me. It makes me feel alive and less lonely.” Lina, 88-year-old woman in Moldova
(formerly On Wings of Eagles)
Together, we answer the prayers of the most vulnerable who wouldn’t have the support or finances to begin new lives on their own. IFCJ Canada shines God’s light and helps bring His people home – thanks to our supporters.

- 1,289 Jewish olim (immigrants) were given rescue on Fellowship Freedom flights from Ukraine, Belarus, Brazil and a stipend to build their new lives in the Holy Land.
- Step 1: Preparing to Move Olim attend information seminars about life in Israel and help them with preparations, like citizenship applications and Hebrew lessons.
- Step 2: Freedom Flight Olim are provided with their plane tickets to make the journey to Israel. They are allowed to bring their belongings with them (including pets!).
- Step 3: Klitah (Resettlement) When olim land, they pass through immigration to receive their citizenship cards and we celebrate their arrival! Olim receive a stipend of $700 per adult and $400 per child, which can be used to purchase furniture, appliances, or other settlement items. Olim continue with Hebrew classes. After 6 months, many olim “graduate” while others continue with job training.
“We lived on the 10th floor and every time there was an alarm I grabbed Kseniia by the arms and we ran ten floors down to the bomb shelter. That was scary. I told Kseniia that it’s like a game where the goal is to get to the shelter as quickly as possible. Recently, power outages started and we were constantly sitting in the dark. You can’t go on living like this. I want a good future for my daughter. I want her to laugh, meet children her age, and meet new friends.” Serhii, a father on making aliyah with his family to escape war-torn Ukraine
IFCJ Canada builds bridges of faith between Christians and Jews through shared biblical values and education on the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Our ministry is always growing stronger with each partnership we create based in shared faith values and love for Israel.
- 24,000 people across Canada supported our mission
- 5,100 people engaged in quarterly prayer services
- 6,900 prayer requests taken to the Western Wall in Jerusalem
- 12,000 followers on our IFCJ Canada social pages
- 112,000 engagements, reaching 558.4 thousand people from our IFCJ Canada social efforts
Who We’ve Helped
In 2023 IFCJ Canada supported:
- 12,413 elderly individuals in Israel and the FSU.
- 11,819 children in Israel and the FSU.
- 54,296 other individuals through family and household services in Israel and the FSU.
- 1,289 individuals through our Olim programs.
- Through the work of IFCJ Canada, we were able to support over 79,000 individuals.

2024 Program Goals
Poverty – Israel
- Serve 748,944 hot meals.
- Assist 2,335 elderly individuals with winter relief.
- Provide 5,000 emergency food kits.
- Provide summer programs, camps, and soccer clubs for 1,265 children and youth.
Poverty – FSU
- Provide 1,882 elderly individuals with vital food and medicine.
- Provide food, medical, counselling, and other services to 402 children and youth.
- Provide 1,504 food boxes to allow impoverished Jews to participate in Holy days.
- Provide 1,300 Fellowship Freedom Flights to Israel.
- Generate more than 3M impressions of education materials through various social media channels.
- Engage more than 100 individuals in virtual prayer nights.
2030 Goals
We have ambitious goals at IFCJ Canada that will allow us to reach more of those in need. Through the continued generosity of our faithful supporters and commitment to good stewardship we believe we do it!
- Raise $20 Million to help impoverished and persecuted Jews around the world.
- Provide 1 Million meals annually to those in need.
- Reach 10,000 Children with necessities and other supports.
- Increase the percentage of funds to the field to 70%.
More Resources
Learn even more about our plans and results with the following resources:
Our Annual Report
Find out how your generous gifts to the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada provide for the needs of Israel and Jewish people around the world in our 2023 Annual Report.

Our Financial Statements
The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada is fully committed to financial accountability and to being good stewards of our donor’s funds.