Daily Devotionals

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Worship and Sacrifice

The purpose of our worship, is to teach us to put someone other than ourselves first. That’s the essence of worship and sacrifice.
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He Sees the Needs Within Us

We may think that what’s bothering us is what we’re praying for, but God sees needs within us that lie beneath the surface even when we don’t.
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The Path to Redemption

During the darkest period of Israel’s enslavement in Egypt, it was the courageous women of Israel who paved the path to redemption.
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Supernatural Survival

The Jewish people are not governed by a natural power. Our survival is supernatural.
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The Names of the Sons of Israel

The Bible tells us a different story by beginning the story of the enslavement in Egypt with this powerful message: “These are the names.”
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From the Pillar of Cloud

The pillar of cloud represented God’s presence on earth. Sometimes it came in the form of protection, and other times as guidance.
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Grateful for What You Don’t Know

We are more in line with God when we follow His will and embrace the fact that our vision is limited. God knows our path and we do not, but we should be grateful for what we don’t know!
Young man hugging children.

A Rebuke and a Blessing?

This is part of how we teach our children to be the best people they can be. That is the blessing of a parent’s rebuke.
Yael Eckstein, wearing a red scarf over her head, leans against the Western Wall in prayer.

Two Different Prayers

According to the sages, Jacob was describing two different kinds of prayers—those he said when he felt close to God, as well as his prayers in times of need when he yearned for God’s presence.
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Faithful to God

Jewish parents bless their children that they should have the strength to remain faithful to God, even in a hostile culture.
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Blessed for the Best

Looking back on his life, Jacob now understood that what he had experienced as suffering and difficulty was really all for the best.
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Make Music to the Lord

The message in this psalm is that we can always find a way to make music to the Lord; we just need to use whatever instruments are available.

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