Daily Devotionals

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Honey from the Rock

Our mission — and our privilege — is to make the bitter sweet by growing, changing foor the better, and finding the good in every situation.
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Honouring God’s Image

When there is tragedy and need, the image of God is suffering. God suffers, too. But we can honour God by honouring His image.
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His Treasured Possession

We survived for 2,000 years because we are God’s treasured possession, chosen to shine His light to the world.
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Rejoice Before the Lord

We honour Him not only by worshiping Him, but by rejoicing in His presence and enjoying the blessings that He has given us.
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‘To That Place You Must Go’

When we seek God and find Him, He dwells within us. Like the Temple in Jerusalem, in our hearts we become the place that He has chosen.
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A Blessing and a Curse

God has confidence in us. He expects us to succeed. He’s telling us, “When you obey my commandments, I will bless you.”
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Make Your Face Shine on Us

The psalmist prayed and pleaded that God would turn around and shine His face upon the people when they were in danger anyway.
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Tests of the Heart

The purpose of life’s tests is not to tell the teacher how well the students are doing. God knows exactly how we are doing. The purpose of life’s tests is purification.
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Why Do We Fight Against God?

Being stiff-necked is the kind of stubbornness that causes a person to focus in only one direction and fight against God, shutting out all other possibilities.
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Why Does God Test Us?

Every test is an opportunity for growth and transcendence. Every trial is a chance to shine.
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Sustained by God

While it may appear at times as though we are sustained by our own hard work or stroke of good luck, the source of our sustenance is always God.
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Attention to the Small Things

When we dedicate our lives to paying attention to all these small things for God, watch how He takes care of all of the big things for us!

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