Daily Devotionals

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The Cloud and the Fire 

Whether we know the plan or not, the message of the cloud and fire is that we can always trust that God is leading us through our journey, by day and by night, through good times and bad.
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Strength in Numbers 

There is strength in numbers, and together we can help Israel weather any storm. Let Israel know that she is never, ever alone.
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Joy to the Righteous 

With each victory of good over evil, there is a feeling that we are one step closer to God’s kingdom on earth, bringing joy to the righteous.
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A Conversation Between Generations 

It brings me such joy to know that we are part of that conversation between generations that has been going on since the very first Passover.
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A Light to the World 

The prayer that we say once a month to bless the moon asks God to help us fulfil our mission to shine all of God’s light to the world.
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With Our Young and Our Old 

In this week’s Torah portion, we see Moses emphasize this point to Pharaoh, “We will go out with our young and old, our sons and daughters...”  No one was to be left out of God’s plan for redemption. 
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What Does It Matter? 

In this week’s Torah portion, we see this purpose stated explicitly by God. We often think that the purpose of the ten plagues in Egypt was to punish the Egyptians and force them to let the children of Israel go free. But if that was the goal, God didn’t need all ten. 
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Every Morning 

Righteousness is determined by all the little things that we do day in and day out—whether we feel like it or not—rain or shine, every single day of our lives.
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Guard Your Mouth and Tongue

When we guard our mouths and tongues and are careful about what we say, we will find that our relationships improve, people respect us more, and we become better listeners.
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People with Hardened Hearts

Do you know people whose hearts are hardened? Who don’t see the miracles that you see?
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Gratitude to Everyone… and Everything

When we show gratitude to everyone—and everything—that has blessed us, we become more grateful people and we honour God.
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Moses Spoke with Faltering Lips

In Moses’ mind he had failed to represent God effectively because of the inability to speak, what Moses called his “faltering lips.”

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