Daily Devotionals

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Struggling with God

Three times a day—morning, afternoon, and evening—Jews begin our prayers with these words, praying to the God of our forefathers.
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The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

Three times a day—morning, afternoon, and evening—Jews begin our prayers with these words, praying to the God of our forefathers.
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Sing for Joy to the Lord

Go somewhere, and do something good. That’s the ultimate way to praise the Lord!
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Kindness to the Poor Lends to the Lord

In Proverbs 19, where helping the poor is described as a loan to God. Think about that—it doesn’t say that it’s an offering to God, a gift to God, or a tax. It’s a loan!
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What It Means to Weep

We cry when we know and accept that something important is happening. That’s what our tears truly mean.
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Listening to God’s Voice

But to feel God’s presence in the land of Israel, in Jerusalem, and at the site where the Temple once stood, we need to be open to it. We need to be listening for God’s voice.
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Walking on Our Own

When we take the initiative in building God’s kingdom, when we walk on our own, God responds by protecting us and bringing success to all that we do.
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The Place Where God Wants Us

Are we there yet? If we are listening for the voice of God, the answer is always “yes.” We are exactly where God wants us to be.
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The Lord Has Become My Fortress

Even when the situations in our life appear hopeless and we can’t see a way for them to work out, the psalmist encourages us to have faith anyway.
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Our Souls Don’t Die

Souls don’t get weaker as they age. They get stronger. And the reason for this is simple: Unlike our bodies, our souls never die.
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Because God Said So

Our obedience is a true sign of our devotion to Him. We serve God not because we understand His plan, but we serve God because He said so.
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Faith-Based Decisions

God’s plan is long-term. Faith-based decisions make us think about God’s plan for the future of our families, the world, and for generations to come.

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