Wills and Bequests
You may have a desire to help Israel’s people through IFCJ Canada, but have concerns about making donations right now:
- You might not have enough assets to last your lifetime.
- You’re on a limited income.
- A spouse or other loved ones count on your support.
- You want to be sure you’re financially prepared for unexpected emergencies.
These are important and valid considerations.
But most planned gifts cost nothing during your lifetime and don’t impact your current financial situation.
You don’t give up any control over the asset during your lifetime, and if circumstances should arise that cause you to change your mind about your plans, you can easily amend or change your gift decisions.
Here is sample bequest language used to include IFCJ Canada in your Will.
(Please consult with your financial advisor for information on how to best plan your own bequest.)
- To include a bequest to the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada you will need the legal name and address:
- International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada
130 Adelaide St W, Suite 3303, Toronto, ON M5H 3P5
- International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada
- The charitable registration number or BN (business number):
- 86941 1587 RR0001
- Sample Bequest Clauses:
- To leave a specified percentage of the residue of your estate:
“I give to the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada,
130 Adelaide St W, Suite 3303, Toronto, ON M5H 3P5, all (or _____%) of the residue of my estate.” - To leave a specific dollar amount:
“I give to the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews of Canada,
130 Adelaide St W, Suite 3303, Toronto, ON M5H 3P5, ON L4P 2C9, the sum of $_________ .” - If you wish to designate your gift to benefit a specific program project then you should add: “It is my preference that this gift be used for _______________”
- To leave a specified percentage of the residue of your estate:
How May We Help You?
If you have questions, please contact IFCJ Canada associates by email or by phone at