Beneficiary Designations

You can make a gift to IFCJ Canada from your retirement plans, life insurance policies or even your TFSA. This can be done outside of a Will and is one of the easiest ways to leave a legacy (be sure to coordinate this type of gift with your overall estate planning strategy.)

You may name IFCJ Canada as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or retirement plans.

These transfers may be made quickly and easily by contacting your financial institution to obtain a beneficiary designation form, which should then be completed and returned as directed.

The Benefits

  • You keep control and ownership of the asset during your lifetime
  • Potential estate tax savings
  • An efficient means to provide a gift which will benefit the life changing work of IFCJ Canada
  • The transferred account avoids probate

For more details on making a beneficiary transfer gift and other planned gifts, please contact us by email or by phone at 888-988-4325.

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