Lifesaving Help for Needy Jews

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How You Can Help Hava

Hava Isakova

Hava Isakova is 79 years old and has osteoporosis that is so severe she can no longer stand straight...

Hava Isakova is 79 years old and has osteoporosis that is so severe she can no longer stand straight. She loses her breath easily and has a benign tumor growing on her face. She was told it would be more dangerous to remove it than to leave it alone.

She lives alone in a tiny house in Kuba, Azerbaijan with no family or caring friends to help her.

As a young woman, Hava raised her children who now live in Russia and Israel – and worked a variety of menial jobs. Today, all she has to show for her life’s work is a small pension of $106 a month. She cannot afford to heat her home and buy food, and must choose one or the other.

But now,thanks to the generous gifts from partners of IFCJ Canada, Hava receives a food card, medicine and winter relief. A homecare worker also visits twice a week and helps Hava with cleaning, cooking, laundry and keeping this lonely elderly woman company.

Thank you for brightening her spirit by opening your heart!

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Hava Isakova is 79 years old and has osteoporosis that is so severe she can no longer stand straight...

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