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The Blessing of Aliyah and Fellowship Freedom Flights

February marked one year since the passing of our founder, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, one of Israel’s greatest advocates. He began an incredible ministry of rescuing and supporting Jews in desperate need, and brought thousands of Jews back home to Israel. He ran the largest provider of humanitarian aid in Israel, all funded primarily by Christians from Canada and the U.S. who love and support Israel.

Today, it is up to us to continue his prophetic work. So one year after Rabbi Eckstein’s sudden passing, we hosted a Fellowship Memorial Freedom Flight in his memory to bring home Ukrainian Jews facing war and anti-Semitism — including married couple Lars and Yulia.

“The thing that’s the most disturbing in Ukraine is the anti-Semitism that manifests itself every day,” says Lars of the lifestyle in Ukraine. He and his wife have dreams of raising a family in Israel, where they won’t have to hide their faith. “We want our children to grow up and develop in a good country, surrounded by good people,” he adds. They are both in their 30s and cannot wait to learn Hebrew and possibly launch their own tourism business.

They are excited to start new lives in Israel where the Jewish spirit is strong and thriving. Thanks to our wonderful Canadian donors, we continue to help those in need get to safety and fulfill Biblical prophecy, just as Rabbi Eckstein envisioned.

As many as 750,000 immigrants to Israel have been assisted through the ministry Rabbi Eckstein founded. But the Rabbi’s work isn’t done, and it is up to us to continue his legacy for generations to come.

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