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Program Spotlight: Operation Winter Warmth

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Winters in the FSU are quite frigid, but many are surprised to learn that Israel’s winters can be bitterly cold…

Freezing winter temperatures are an inconvenience to most people, but are life-threatening to impoverished elderly in Israel and the former Soviet Union (FSU). These vulnerable people often can’t afford both food and medicine, let alone the added cost of heating their humble homes in the winter.

While most people know that winters in the FSU are quite frigid, many are surprised to learn that Israel’s winters, especially at the higher elevations, can be bitterly cold.

Particularly affected by the inclement winter weather is the elderly population, especially those who live in poverty and whose housing conditions are inadequate under the best circumstances. Because of these inhumane and often life-threatening conditions, The Fellowship initiated Operation Winter Warmth in 2009, and each year provides needy elderly with lifesaving heating grants, blankets, and portable space heaters.

Ella: Receiving the Gift of Warmth

Ella is an 89-year-old woman who lives alone in Jerusalem. As a young girl, she spent World War II in the Jewish ghetto in Lviv, Ukraine. After the war, she completed her education and then worked as an electrical engineer for many years.

Ella made aliyah (immigrated to Israel) with her husband and her son in 1998. Sadly, her husband passed away several years ago. Ella is unable to work, and because she lives alone, she has nobody to split living expenses with – her son has his own financial problems. Therefore, she must spend all of her small government pension on rent, and she has no money left over to heat her apartment.

Thankfully, Ella didn’t have to spend this winter shivering and alone. The Fellowship provided her with warmth through the gifts of a heating cheque and blankets — and she is so grateful.

Help provide lifesaving winter warmth to impoverished elderly people in Israel and the FSU this winter.

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Winters in the FSU are quite frigid, but many are surprised to learn that Israel’s winters can be bitterly cold…


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