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Jews living in persecution and poverty are awaiting their chance to make aliyah (immigrate to Israel) On Wings of Eagles.

Jews living in persecution and poverty are awaiting their chance to make aliyah (immigrate to Israel) On Wings of Eagles.

On Wings of Eagles funds programs that provide these desperate people with:

  • Freedom Flights, helping needy Jews make their aliyah (immigrate to Israel) and rescuing them from rising anti-Semitism and poverty

  • Resettlement Aid
    , provides klitah (resettlement) aid for Jews who have arrived in Israel On Wings of Eagles, including food, clothing, housing, medical assistance, job training and placement, plus Hebrew language instruction

With your gift to The Fellowship’s On Wings of Eagles ministry program, you can help fulfill Biblical prophecy that Jewish exiles will be gathered home “from the four quarters of earth” (Isaiah 11:12).

And thanks to a generous matching gift from a Fellowship friend, your gift today will be doubled and have twice the impact.

We need your help to raise $36,000 by July 31st so we can help as many impoverished Israelis and Jews as possible in the year ahead.

Help us reach our goal today!

Jews living in persecution and poverty are awaiting their chance to make aliyah (immigrate to Israel) On Wings of Eagles.


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