2024 Program updates

Effective June 1, 2024, your gifts to bless the Jewish people will be used where
most needed in support of our ministry pillars Poverty and Aliyah.


(formerly Guardians of Israel and Isaiah 58)

We use your support to answer God’s call to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and provide shelter to the poor by providing on-the-ground, lifesaving care, food, and support for impoverished Jews, vulnerable elderly, and Holocaust survivors throughout Israel and the former Soviet Union.


(formerly On Wings of Eagles)

Your contributions help fulfill biblical prophecy by bringing the Jewish people home “from the four quarters of the earth” (Isaiah 11:12) through aliyah (immigration to Israel) and by providing klitah (resettlement assistance), including the tools needed to become full, productive citizens in their new home.

To provide lifesaving assistance where the need is greatest, you can leave your gift undesignated. This allows IFCJ Canada to respond immediately to any needs as they arise, and to apply funds most effectively to provide lifesaving care for people in dire situations.

Please note that if you currently give monthly to a designated ministry program (Guardians of Israel, Isaiah 58 or On Wings of Eagles), your designation will not change. No matter the area of ministry you support, your gifts will be a blessing to Israel, to Jewish people around the world, and to you!

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to helping fulfill biblical prophecy by supporting Israel and the Jewish people. Your generosity and the miraculous ministry you make possible are tremendous blessings for so many Jews in need.

I will bless those who bless [Israel].
Genesis 12:3

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