Journey Through The Scriptures

The Prophecy of Micah

Lesson 2: Judgment and Regathering

(Scripture to Read: Micah 2:1–13)

We have noted Micah’s twofold message of judgment and restoration for God’s chosen people, both elements of which are present in chapter 2. The prophet decried the injustice being practiced in Judah as the rich and the powerful defrauded the poor and the weak. These were deliberate actions, carried out after careful plotting. Since God had provided each family a plot of land in Israel when the Promised Land was taken, there was no reason for one person to seize the land of another. This was not only theft, but the taking of that person’s “inheritance” the Lord had given him and which his family needed.

The judgment for such crimes was just—and ironic. Those who took land from others would see their own land taken away on the day Judah was conquered by foreigners. Even though this time was far in the future from Micah’s perspective, the judgment was certain. Micah also had a special word to speak against false prophets and teachers who denied God’s message of doom and soothed the people. Yet for all the calamity to come upon Judah, and upon the northern kingdom of Israel, God would yet regather His people as a faithful shepherd gathers his flock safely into his pen. The One who will rule over the people of God as a righteous King in this day of restoration is Messiah.

Study Questions

  1. Why did evil people in Judah carry out their fraudulent schemes?
  2. Why was it especially cruel to take the lan of the poor away from them?
  3. What contrast do we see in verses 67 between the effect of Micah’s prophecy on those who did evil and those who were upright?
  4. What does it mean that Messiah will “[break] open the way” in the regathering and future blessing of Israel?

Something to Think About

The strong ethical teaching of the biblical prophets is very much in evidence in Micah. To these spokesmen for God, being righteous is not simply a matter of displaying piety, but of doing what is right and just in our dealings with others. This ethical element was also prominent in Jesus’ teachings.

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