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You Made Her Feel Like a Real Person

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An Israeli social worker shares a letter of thanks from an impoverished couple who received a refrigerator thanks to The Fellowship’s generous supporters.

We recently received this thank you letter from the social worker of an impoverished Israeli couple who live in the Negev Desert. The lack of a refrigerator made life hard for Naomi and Yitzhak, but thanks to you, our faithful and caring Fellowship supporters, their lives have been made a little bit better.

To The Fellowship

Regarding the request we received for a refrigerator, Naomi and Yitzhak bought the refrigerator as soon as they received your voucher. They are very pleased with it.

During the conversation I had today with Naomi, she sounded happier and more relaxed than usual. She told me that every day when she goes into the kitchen and sees the refrigerator, it makes her very happy and makes her feel like a real person. Recently her medical condition has improved and the doctor has expressed greater optimism than he had in the past. Naomi attributes this to the assistance she receives and especially to the refrigerator.

I thought you should hear Naomi's thanks and understand how important and significant The Fellowship’s assistance is.

Best regards,

Lihi N.
Social Worker, Bnei Shimon Regional Council

Please help impoverished Israelis, like Naomi, with a generous gift to Guardians of Israel today.


An Israeli social worker shares a letter of thanks from an impoverished couple who received a refrigerator thanks to The Fellowship’s generous supporters.


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